Its been very windy this week and also very wet. This is me and Auntie Breeze out for a walk on the paths today as it was to wet to go on the fields.
Unfortunately Auntie Breeze was not very happy (as you can see from her expression) I think its because she was expecting to go and play catch the ball in the park. So she moaned all the time we were out.
Or it could be because it was drizzling and she is not that keen on getting wet...
Auntie Breeze and Chip have just got back from the Flyball racing at Earls Court. This is a picture of the crowd in the main arena.
The racing is slightly different from BFA flyball as this is organised by the Kennel Club. The jumps are a fixed height (bigger for Chip) and no electronic lights. This is a youtube video of the racing from Saturday. Chip is the last dog on this side. You can see its him because his is the little black blur...
This is Breeze waiting to race.
There was lots of other displays and also stands showing lots different breeds of Dogs. I have been bought a nice new lead and collar for my walks.
Its been a bit of a wet week this week so only road walks.
This weekend Auntie Breeze and Chip are taking part in Flyball races at the Kennel Clubs, Discover Dogs Show at Earls Court in London in front of a crowd. So hopefully they will have some pictures of it to put on my blog.
This is me having a chill out this week, if you look carefully you can see Dare in his bed.
More indoor Flyball at Maidstone in Kent. All the three teams of our Teams got their fastest ever times which was really good.
Chip got his Flyball Dog Intermediate (FDI) title certificate awarded to him after the racing today for getting over 1000 points in flyball races (Dogs gets points awarded for each race depending on how fast they go).
We pass this old Church in the car from time to time. Apparently one was first built in Saxon times on the site but the oldest part of this one is from 1150 (sounds old to me!)
There are lots of story's about what the peacock shaped trees are about. One is that they were pruned that shape in memory of two sisters who used to go to the church long, long ago.