No flyball this weekend. But some nice hot weather has arrived so there is plenty of time laze around in the garden in the cool shade before a nice evening walk.
Just had another good flyball weekend. We were just down the road in Berkshire and the sun came out finally which was very nice.
Fortunately flyball is not just about certain (very quick) dog breeds. Smaller breeds also make great flyball dogs and they lower the height of the jumps which benefits all their teammates.
For the first time on Saturday we ran all the Clubs terriers in the same team. Four Terrier brothers who are 9"/10"height dogs and Chip who is the smallest you can be at 7". But as you will see from this video not the slowest... (Chip is 2nd from last in the race).
And this a picture of the Terrier team, Lightning Ratpack. They got second place in their division which is very impressive.
Me and Dare also got second places in our own divisions and Auntie Breeze got a fourth place.
But flyball tournaments are not just about the racing you also get a chance to chill out and enjoy the scenery, which is very nice in this part of England. The boss thought this view looked a bit like France.
And we even had Red Kites flying overhead which untill recently were almost extinct in the UK but are now making a recovery in England.
Another flyball tournament this weekend this one was in Kent at Capstone Country Park. To say the weather was changeable is a little bit of an understatement!
In the sunshine some more action pictures. This is me at full tilt
and determinedly approaching a jump
On Saturday the others raced. Auntie Breezes team got a 4th place in their Division. Chip and Dare ran in the same team for a change and got a great 1st place in their Division.
My team Lightning Flash ran today and we got a new fastest ever time going sub 19 seconds for the first time with a 18.98 second run in one of our races. We also got a 2nd place in our Division.
In this you tube video of me warming up and racing you can see how changeable the weather was...
And if you missed it in the video this is a picture of how in rained today on and off.
Do you think the drinks can ever ran out in that rain...
We have had a fairly quite week this week after last weekends flyball tournament, just our normal obedience training last night. But we are off again next weekend to another tournament.
So in the meantime I have to keep myself busy in other ways.
Like chewing on one of my toys which avoids being told off for chewing on something less appropriate .
Because how would I like it if Chip chewed on something of mine...
We got back from the weekends camping late yesterday evening. We had two days flyballing in Cambridgeshire at the Just Dogs live Show. We got the big tent out for the first time since last year.
The weather was very nice most of the time and we had a great competition. This is me with my team mates from Lightning Flash on race day.
Obviously had some more action pictures taken of me in full flow.
Apparently it is quite hard to get shots of you in mid flight going over the jumps but we got two from Saturday.
As you know I do get quite excited when waiting to race
And I can get a bit tricky to hold on to.
But I always calm down just before I zoom off fortunately (well about 1 second before...)
We all raced over the weekend, Auntie Breeze and her team got a third place in their division.
But Dares team did the best of all our pack gaining a 1st place in their division which was very impressive.
Chips team got a second place in their division despite the weather getting quite hot on Sunday. He was certainly flying.
The boss also got a nice video of Chip racing with a better camera than we normally use which shows just how fast Chips team were going.
But perhaps best of all I got to meet a reader of this blog who races with Tyne TailwaggersFlyball Team. She sees my Dad Adam race regularly with his Club and is a Fan of English Shepherds which is obviously very nice of her.
Hopefully we will see her again at the British Championships later in the year.
They have been playing Tennis this week at Wimbledon which is not very far from where we live. As is traditional during Wimbledon week we have had both rain and sun.
So the lawn in our back garden is very ready for a good mow now.
But one hazard of trying to be clever with taking photos is you get spotted by inquisitive onlookers.